Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

BCS Prom 2010

This year's prom is sure to be a smah hit. It's going to be held on April 25 at the Faculty Club at LSU. The Faculty Club is a centerally located facility, with a beautiful dining room and delicous entrees. The theme is Masquerade Madness. Get ready for sequins, ball gowns, intense makeup, and big hair. Although wearing a mask is not required, it will add to the overall feel of the evening. We recommend that everyone wears one. The Vintage Dancers will teach line dances, so break out your dancing shoes! Prom tickets will be $25 a piece. It's going to be a night to remember.

Friday, February 19, 2010


God in Nature

Although many people's only time with God is Sunday mornings at a church, mine is certainly not. I have never been a huge fan of church. As paradoxical as it may sound, church seems to hold me back form God.

I don't like feeling contained. I don't like having to go to the same building every sunday. I don't like hearing the same pastor preach every Sunday. To me, God is everywhere. He doesn't wait for Sundays.

I feel God in the field next to my house more than I ever have in a church. Sitting in the field, feeling the sun shine on my back, I know God is reall. Laying on ym back i nthe grass, staring at the clouds, I know he must have made them.

Sitting in a cold room, next to people dressed nicely and making polite conversation, I feel nothing. I feel God in his creation. When I look at the trees, I see God. When I look at pews, I see nothing. Maybe I'm weird. Maybe that's how it should be.

I'm not going to keep God in a box. I like to see him roam along around the bushe and trees and flowers. I like to see him float by on the cloud.s He doesn't have to stand on the alter once a week. He's laying in the grass.

I guess I'm a proponent of private relationships with God as well. I don't like knowing people are watching me pray. I want to sit on the mountains alone and soak up my creator.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oh, for the love of writing

Oh, For the Love of Writing
By: Sarah Kershaw

“I hate writing.” If you’re like most students, you’ve probably uttered this statement a thousand times. You probably hate to read, hate to write, and don’t see the point of it. Well, the truth is that you don’t understand the beauty of writing. You’ve only written because you have to, not because you need to.
What I mean is that you have probably only written because it was assigned to you. Sholem Asch said, “Writing comes more easily if you have something to say.” This is a simple statement that holds more weight than you may know. Most people hate writing because they do not like their topic. But if you have something to say, something that you have to say because it’s bottled inside of you just begging to explode out, well – you’ll understand what writing truly means.
Jules Renard said that “writing is a way of talking without being interrupted.” Writing is freeing; it’s the most liberating feeling in the world. When you learn to write because it is inside of you, you can love to write as well. Your words are your words – no one else’s. Writing is a way of getting everything out of your head and onto paper. Whenever you try to gather your thoughts by talking with another person, their input becomes a part of your thoughts. Writing is different. It’s your words, your thoughts, untouched by amyone else.
Writing is a way of remembering. Although it can be argued that a picture is worth a thousand words, I disagree. Pictures can be posed. It is much harder to fake your writing. Each word you write is a reflection of how you feel and more importantly, how you think. William Thackeray said, “There are thousands of thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up the pen and writes.”
To say you hate writing is like saying you hate talking. Words are words. Maybe you hate the assignment you’ve been given, like you may hate the way some people speak. But you cannot rule out an entire form of expression just because you’ve had a bad experience with it. So go ahead, and anchor down those thoughts floating around in your mind. You may be surprised with the results.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February Issue

-Romanian Girls
-Snow day if ^ doesn't work out
-Fake Ask Andrea thing because no one likes me.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Stephen Glass

This story was extremely interesting to me. I have been interested in writing for a very long time. I wrote a small novel in the sixth grade. Since then, I've been working on one story that keeps changing and re-shaping as I change.

Because of that, I've been told I should consider majoring in journalism. However, I have never really wanted to do this. I didn't really know why, though. This video confirmed my thoughts on juornalism. It's too realistic, it's too factual. "Life is a pereception of you own reality." This is how I feel. There is no truth, there is no fact. Why should I try to stick to what I don't even believe? I've heard a song that said "Honesty, accuracy, it's just popular opinion."

I want to write about my thoughts and my feeelings, not what anyone else tells me is fact. I want to write about what I thin, what I see. These things are out of my mind, not out of some facts that can be confirmed by sources.

Stephen Glass wanted to make things more interestings, he wanted to make them fit what he thought they should. He wasn't a criminal, he was a writer. He went in to the wrong field. His stories came out of his head - and why shouldn't they? What he did was wrong but I can understand where he was coming from. I'm going to buy his book.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The Haiti earthquake was the first to hit Haiti in a century. It has left thousands of people dead. The Red Cross estimates that up to 3 million people have been affected by this disaster. Many countries all over the world have come to its rescue.

But what about us, the people? What have we done? Let's put goverment aside for a moment. What are the people doing? How have individuals helped?

In Denver, George Washington High School held a student run fundraiser to help Haiti. By holding a bake sale, they rasied nearly five hundred dollars in an hour. They sold goods baked by parents, teachers, and students. One student said, "My father taught me that if you are blessed you should try to share your blessings with others. I think it's fantastic that high school kids are willing to give what money they have to help others in need and the people of Haiti are badly in need of our help." They raised $1,100.

The Journey church in Wiaconscion is rebuilding an orphanage in Haiti. They had built the orphanage before the earthquake. It was flattened during the disaster and children are left alone on the streets. "The kids are sleeping outside in a field,” a church member said said. “I think the main thing about Jacmel is that the town is devastated, but there’s not much coverage because of Port-Au-Prince. Jacmel has the same collapsed buildings. A friend of mine down there says the town smells like dead bodies.” The church is doing all the can to rasie money to rebuild.

But let's not talk about "the people." I want to speak on a specific group of people - BCS students. What has our school done to help? Absoutely nothing. We have not lifted a finger to help .But this is not to condemn our school - it's to challenge our school.

Bethany can help make a difference. I propose that we hold a drive. We can either raise money, or ask for donations of food and medical supplies. The journalism class can organize it or the Beta Club. It's time for the students to get involved in living out God's word. While we sit in our warm classrooms and talk about our Christian doctrine, there are people suffering and dying of hunger and injuries. While we say how sad the disaster is and that we're praying for them, we're not doing anything. Prayer is good, of course, but let's put our words to action.

Let's practice what we preach. Let's reach out to world around us.

And one more thing, there should be no prize for the winner. No pizza party, no picnic days, no ice cream. The reward is knowing you helped. Not a cent should be wasted on rewarding ourselves and giving us a pat on the back. Do it becasue you care.,0,4149235.story

Monday, January 25, 2010



I have only been alive for seventeen years. But in my seventeen years of life, I have observed many things. I have learned many things. I have seen many things. And I think to know what something is, you have to learn what it is not.

Love is not a feeling. It is not an emotion. It is not the butterflies in your stomach. It is not an infatuation. It is not obsession.

Love is certainty. Love is knowing that it would be impossible to live without that person. Not that they would "complete you" but that somehow, they already are a part of you; to not be with them would be to take a part of you away. Love is when you can't handle the thought of only being friends. When it makes you crazy to picture a life without being able to spend every waking moment with that person.

Love is not finding someone who meets your qualifications. It's not about a list or a resume. People are people. They're not applying to date you. You can't love someone simply because your morals line up. That isn't to say you can love someone who's morals don't - they should line up. But that can't be the only factor.

Love isn't blind. Love should see all the flaws and weakness and love because of them. Not instead of them. You cannot love someone "despite" their flaws. That is to love someone partially. Love is when you know absolutely everything about someone, when you can truly see just how screwed up they are, and still want them.

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. I Cor 13:4-8

"We accept the love we think we deserve."
-Stephen Chbosky



1. North Canton Hoover High School
-The Viking Views

2. Montgomery Blair High School
- Silver Spring, MD
-Silver Chips

3. Carmel High School
- Carmel, IN

4. Fresno Christian High School
- Fresno, CA
-The Feather

5. Horace Mann School
-New York, NY
-Horace Mann Record

6. Souderton Area High School
- Souderton PA
-The Arrowhead

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blog Assignment 1/19/10

1. Bonsai

I really enjoyed learning about this because it was a totally new concept to me. I had no idea this miniature trees existed. It was also nice to see the tools used in the process. I enjoyed the book on it as well. I would grow one, but it would probably die.

2. Minesweeper

I enjoyed Caleb's talk about minesweeper. I was never able to defeat it's evil way before. I now feel well informed. It will not conquer me again. I now know I can succeed in life.

3. Afro

I enjoyed making my powerpoint. I may actually try it out one day. Obama-ing Nathan's picture was fun. I want to be the 6th's member of the Jackson 5. I can do it.

Ben gibbard is a musical genius that I admire.

I enjoy creative writing.

I like photography.

I love art.

I like drawing with charcoal.

I'm thinking of attending SCAD.

Maybe LSU.

mmm eddamame

I hate Drew Barrymore.

I love Conor oberst.




^^^this is why.

he had it right.

I love to read.

I like ppl with afros. I accept them.

I dislike super cheesin' moms who get mysapces and put up kooOOO0000ol graphics like this.

I like nature.

I just like this.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


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