Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The Haiti earthquake was the first to hit Haiti in a century. It has left thousands of people dead. The Red Cross estimates that up to 3 million people have been affected by this disaster. Many countries all over the world have come to its rescue.

But what about us, the people? What have we done? Let's put goverment aside for a moment. What are the people doing? How have individuals helped?

In Denver, George Washington High School held a student run fundraiser to help Haiti. By holding a bake sale, they rasied nearly five hundred dollars in an hour. They sold goods baked by parents, teachers, and students. One student said, "My father taught me that if you are blessed you should try to share your blessings with others. I think it's fantastic that high school kids are willing to give what money they have to help others in need and the people of Haiti are badly in need of our help." They raised $1,100.

The Journey church in Wiaconscion is rebuilding an orphanage in Haiti. They had built the orphanage before the earthquake. It was flattened during the disaster and children are left alone on the streets. "The kids are sleeping outside in a field,” a church member said said. “I think the main thing about Jacmel is that the town is devastated, but there’s not much coverage because of Port-Au-Prince. Jacmel has the same collapsed buildings. A friend of mine down there says the town smells like dead bodies.” The church is doing all the can to rasie money to rebuild.

But let's not talk about "the people." I want to speak on a specific group of people - BCS students. What has our school done to help? Absoutely nothing. We have not lifted a finger to help .But this is not to condemn our school - it's to challenge our school.

Bethany can help make a difference. I propose that we hold a drive. We can either raise money, or ask for donations of food and medical supplies. The journalism class can organize it or the Beta Club. It's time for the students to get involved in living out God's word. While we sit in our warm classrooms and talk about our Christian doctrine, there are people suffering and dying of hunger and injuries. While we say how sad the disaster is and that we're praying for them, we're not doing anything. Prayer is good, of course, but let's put our words to action.

Let's practice what we preach. Let's reach out to world around us.

And one more thing, there should be no prize for the winner. No pizza party, no picnic days, no ice cream. The reward is knowing you helped. Not a cent should be wasted on rewarding ourselves and giving us a pat on the back. Do it becasue you care.


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