Friday, February 19, 2010


God in Nature

Although many people's only time with God is Sunday mornings at a church, mine is certainly not. I have never been a huge fan of church. As paradoxical as it may sound, church seems to hold me back form God.

I don't like feeling contained. I don't like having to go to the same building every sunday. I don't like hearing the same pastor preach every Sunday. To me, God is everywhere. He doesn't wait for Sundays.

I feel God in the field next to my house more than I ever have in a church. Sitting in the field, feeling the sun shine on my back, I know God is reall. Laying on ym back i nthe grass, staring at the clouds, I know he must have made them.

Sitting in a cold room, next to people dressed nicely and making polite conversation, I feel nothing. I feel God in his creation. When I look at the trees, I see God. When I look at pews, I see nothing. Maybe I'm weird. Maybe that's how it should be.

I'm not going to keep God in a box. I like to see him roam along around the bushe and trees and flowers. I like to see him float by on the cloud.s He doesn't have to stand on the alter once a week. He's laying in the grass.

I guess I'm a proponent of private relationships with God as well. I don't like knowing people are watching me pray. I want to sit on the mountains alone and soak up my creator.

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