Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blog Assignment 1/19/10

1. Bonsai

I really enjoyed learning about this because it was a totally new concept to me. I had no idea this miniature trees existed. It was also nice to see the tools used in the process. I enjoyed the book on it as well. I would grow one, but it would probably die.

2. Minesweeper

I enjoyed Caleb's talk about minesweeper. I was never able to defeat it's evil way before. I now feel well informed. It will not conquer me again. I now know I can succeed in life.

3. Afro

I enjoyed making my powerpoint. I may actually try it out one day. Obama-ing Nathan's picture was fun. I want to be the 6th's member of the Jackson 5. I can do it.

Ben gibbard is a musical genius that I admire.

I enjoy creative writing.

I like photography.

I love art.

I like drawing with charcoal.

I'm thinking of attending SCAD.

Maybe LSU.

mmm eddamame

I hate Drew Barrymore.

I love Conor oberst.




^^^this is why.

he had it right.

I love to read.

I like ppl with afros. I accept them.

I dislike super cheesin' moms who get mysapces and put up kooOOO0000ol graphics like this.

I like nature.

I just like this.

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