Friday, January 29, 2010

Stephen Glass

This story was extremely interesting to me. I have been interested in writing for a very long time. I wrote a small novel in the sixth grade. Since then, I've been working on one story that keeps changing and re-shaping as I change.

Because of that, I've been told I should consider majoring in journalism. However, I have never really wanted to do this. I didn't really know why, though. This video confirmed my thoughts on juornalism. It's too realistic, it's too factual. "Life is a pereception of you own reality." This is how I feel. There is no truth, there is no fact. Why should I try to stick to what I don't even believe? I've heard a song that said "Honesty, accuracy, it's just popular opinion."

I want to write about my thoughts and my feeelings, not what anyone else tells me is fact. I want to write about what I thin, what I see. These things are out of my mind, not out of some facts that can be confirmed by sources.

Stephen Glass wanted to make things more interestings, he wanted to make them fit what he thought they should. He wasn't a criminal, he was a writer. He went in to the wrong field. His stories came out of his head - and why shouldn't they? What he did was wrong but I can understand where he was coming from. I'm going to buy his book.

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